Welcome to the Mineral, Rock, Organic, Fossil, Sand, and Silt Database (MIROFOSS.) We are always adding new articles and sample images to the database and therefore find it very hard to say when this project will be complete. Due to the frequent changes, to make your experience here better, we always like to say that this site is in Beta testing mode and, although open for public viewing, is not complete. Please use the tabs below to access the galleries in the database. MIROFOSS currently has the best performance using the Google Chrome™ or Microsoft Edge™ browser on a large screen monitor but can function with mixed results using other web browsers, smaller laptop monitors, and tablets.

The MIROFOSS database was last updated on February 23, 2025 and currently contains 478 articles as well as 162 image pages about minerals, rocks, fossils, organic samples, sand, and silt. - MIROFOSS v5.05 -- Online since April 12, 2013 with 862,000+ visitors as of December 31, 2024

Are you interested in the inorganic things in life? Do you get giddy when you see graphite and excited with epidote? The MIROFOSS Minerals Gallery is always adding new articles about the minerals that make up almost everything in our daily lives. In the minerals gallery you can search for articles using common criteria such as mineral hardness, crystal structure, chemical composition, colour, and of course by mineral name.

The literal building blocks of the world we live in, rocks play an important role in our daily lives. The MIROFOSS Rocks Gallery contains a collection of rocks that is constantly 'building' up more information. From the everyday basics such as limestone and granite, to some uncommon and colourful schist, MIROFOSS may help you create some concrete opinions about the world around you. Rocks in this gallery are organized by common rock type, as well as rock colour.

When someone asks you "Is it an animal, vegetable, or mineral?" Are you secretly thinking in your head "Is it an annual, perennial, or edible?" Whether you either answered yes or no to that question, the MIROFOSS Organics Gallery, contains many articles about the flowers and trees, as well as the fungi and other flora, that grow all around us. Would you like to try to identify a plant sample based on flower colour or shape? Maybe find the name of a tree based on it's leaves? The organics gallery is organized using multiple categories to help you find the information that you are looking for... Fast.

Take a step back into history with the MIROFOSS Fossils Gallery. View and research many types of plant and animal fossils from times long ago. Fossils in this gallery are organized by geological age. PLEASE NOTE - This gallery is under construction and is currently not open for public viewing.

If you need to get the all of the 'dirt' on dirt; this gallery is for you. The MIROFOSS Sand and Silt Gallery contains many images and comparisons of various types of sand, silt, soil, and sift samples from various places around the world. If you have ever wondered why sand is coloured differently from place to place or why certain plants can only grow in certain soil, this gallery may have what you are looking for. PLEASE NOTE - This gallery is under construction and is currently not open for public viewing.