
Mineral Colour Plates are small thumbnail images of minerals, as well as synthetic compounds and chemical elements, with articles that can be found in the MIROFOSS database. The following table shows all of the CARBONATE GROUP minerals found in MIROFOSS organized vertically by colour. Certain minerals may appear in multiple colour categories if the mineral can be found in more then one colour range. Clicking on a mineral plate image will bring you to the corresponding MIROFOSS article. Please note this page may take a while to load on slower computers or with slower internet connections.

Carbonate minerals are those minerals containing the carbonate ion. Generally the carbonate minerals are found at or near the surface. They represent the Earth's largest storehouse of carbon. They all are on the soft side, from hardness 3 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale. Carbonate minerals can be further broken down into the following classes: Anhydrous carbonates, Anhydrous carbonates (with compound formulie,) Carbonates with hydroxyl or halogen, and hydrated carbonates. Carbonate minerals are those minerals containing the carbonate ion. Generally the carbonate minerals are found at or near the surface. They represent the Earth's largest storehouse of carbon. They all are on the soft side, from hardness 3 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale. Carbonate minerals can be further broken down into the following classes: Anhydrous carbonates, Anhydrous carbonates (with compound formulie,) Carbonates with hydroxyl or halogen, and hydrated carbonates. The following table lists, by colour, all of the carbonate minerals which can be found in the MIROFOSS database.

Calcite Smithsonite    
Azurite Aurichalcite