Mineral Name Chrysotile
First Discovered 1834
Nickel-Strunz Classification 09.ED.15
Dana Classification 71.01.02d.00
Mineral Group Silicates


Ishkildite is variety of the mineral chrysotile. For information about chrysotile please click the article tab at the top of the page, or click -here-

Ishkildite is a variety of chrysotile differing in optical properties, X-ray powder pattern, and containing excess silica.

The following health hazards should be noted when handling ishkildite:


Ishkildite can cause asbestosis, lung cancer, and both pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma.

Geographical Data Mindat.org. Retrieved on 2012-04-27
May 16, 2012 The last time this page was updated
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