Flower Colour Plates are small thumbnail images of flowering plants with articles that can be found in the MIROFOSS database. The following table shows all of the VIOLET flowers found in MIROFOSS organized vertically by flower shape. Clicking on a flower plate image will bring you to the corresponding MIROFOSS article. Please note this page may take a while to load on slower computers or with slower internet connections.

Woolly Blue Violet Woolly Violet (Blue) Spring Meadow Saffron Ruby Giant Crocus
Bull Thistle Blessed Milk Thistle Wild Teasel Virginia Waterleaf
Basil, Wild Creeping Charlie Heal All Monkshood
Persian Cornflower Spotted Knapweed Greater Knapweed Purpletop Vervain
Motherwort Pennyroyal Confrey Oregano
Bee Balm      
Brachyscome 'Brasco Violet' Cooper's Iceplant Aster, New England  
Iris, 'Anaconda Bearded' Balloon Flower Bittersweet Nightshade Cosmos 'Carmine'
Hepatica, Sharp Lobed Jacob's Ladder Purple Flowering Raspberry Giant Blue Cohosh
Purple Trillium Tussocks Bellflower Netted Iris  
Horehound Common Bistort Indago Bush Water Hyacinth
Tyme, Lemon Scotch Heather Fumewort Blue Vervain
Creeping Harebell      