Flower Colour Plates are small thumbnail images of flowering plants with articles that can be found in the MIROFOSS database. The following table shows all of the WHITE flowers found in MIROFOSS organized vertically by flower shape. Clicking on a flower plate image will bring you to the corresponding MIROFOSS article. Please note this page may take a while to load on slower computers or with slower internet connections.

Pale Beardtongue Crocus 'Pickwick' Canada White Violet Woolly Blue Violet (White)
Jack Snipe Daffodil Poet's Daffodil    
American Bur-Reed Baneberry Smooth Sweet Cicely Dropwort
Enchanters Nightshade Garlic Mustard Queen Ann Lace Queen Of The Meadow
White Snakeroot Cut-Leaved Toothwort Maple-Leaved Viburnum Valerain
Virginia Waterleaf Yarrow, Common Silverlight Bergenia Bedstraw Corn
Red Baneberry Aniseroot Cleavers Bittercress, Hairy
Pennsylvania Bittercress Broad Leaf Toothwort    
Chamomile Heath Aster Hairy Galinsoga Ox-Eye Daisy
Flat Topped White Aster Small-Flowered Galinsoga    
Japanese Anemone Bloodroot Bloodroot 'Double' Bladder Campion
Bogbean Balloon Flower Bouncing Bet Black Nightshade
Carolina Spring Beauty Cosmos 'Ancient White' Lesser Chickweed Carolina Rose
Cheeses Creeper Dittany Swamp Dewberry Hepatica, Round Lobed
Kousa Dogwood Moth Mullien Mayapple Rose Mallow
Snowdrop Virginia Strawberry Twinleaf Large Flowered Trillium
Painted Trillum White Campion White Trout Lily Hepatica, Sharp Lobed
Woronow's Snowdrop Star Of Bethleham Indian Pipe White Honesty
Bunchberry Fragrant Water Lily    
English Plantain Dutchman's Breeches Winter Savory Common Speedwell
Miterwort Springwood Spring Heath Foam Flower Shinleaf



Canada Mayflower