The following table shows all of the RADIALLY SYMMETRICAL flowers found in MIROFOSS organized by flower colour. Clicking on a flower plate image will bring you to the corresponding MIROFOSS article. Please note this page may take a while to load on slower computers or with slower internet connections. Radially Symmetrical Flowers occur when the flower itself appears to have a wheel-like symmetry. The individual flowers usually appear to be borne separately among or above the foliage. the individual flower parts are equal in size and radiate out from the centre of the flower. The flower itself can be divided into halves along lines running through the centre. |
Japanese Anemone | Bloodroot | Bloodroot 'Double' | Bladder Campion |
Bogbean | Balloon Flower | Bouncing Bet | Black Nightshade |
Carolina Spring Beauty | Cosmos 'Ancient White' | Lesser Chickweed | Carolina Rose |
Cheeses Creeper | Dittany | Swamp Dewberry | Hepatica, Round Lobed |
Kousa Dogwood | Moth Mullien | Mayapple | Rose Mallow |
Snowdrop | Virginia Strawberry | Twinleaf | Large Flowered Trillium |
Painted Trillum | White Campion | White Trout Lily | Hepatica, Sharp Lobed |
Woronow's Snowdrop | Star Of Bethleham | Indian Pipe | White Honesty |
Bunchberry | Fragrant Water Lily | ||
Wild Ginger | |||
Yellow Avens | Beach Heath | Bellwort | Buttercup, Common |
Sulpher Cinquefoil | Indian Strawberry | Large-Leaved Avens | Marsh Marigold |
Silverweed | Trout Lily | Velvetleaf | Winter Aconite |
Water Lily, Dwarf | Shrubby Cinquefoil | Shrubby St. Johns Wart | Yellow Flag Iris |
Common Barberry | Tall Anemone | Common Evening Primrose | Pinesap |
Turkscap Lily | |||
Columbine, Wild | Maltese-Cross Campion | Perry's Red Dwarf Lily | |
Cosmos 'Pink Blush' | Cranebill, Bloody | Wild Geranium | Gay Mallow |
Herb-Robert Geranium | Hepatica, Round Lobed | Iris, Japanese | Oleander |
Pink, Amur | Dittany, Pink Striped | Christmas Rose | Fall Phlox |
Iris, 'Anaconda Bearded' | Balloon Flower | Bittersweet Nightshade | Cosmos 'Carmine' |
Hepatica, Sharp Lobed | Jacob's Ladder | Purple Flowering Raspberry | Giant Blue Cohosh |
Purple Trillium | Tussock Bellflower | Netted Iris | |
Blue-Eyed Grass | Leadwort | Siberian Squill | Harebell |
Glory Of The Snow | Periwinkle | Striped Squill | |