Edibility colour plates are small thumbnail images of plant and fungus species which can be found in the MIROFOSS database and are considered to be completely edible, or have edible parts. The plates are organized by colour with a brief description of the edible properties of the sample. Clicking on a colour plate will bring you to the corresponding MIROFOSS article. Please note that plant species within the MIROFOSS database that do not have any edible properties are not shown within these colour plates.

Please note that MIROFOSS cannot guarantee the accuracy of edibility information provided within it's articles. This information is provided here as a reference only. There are many plants species that resemble the plants shown within these colour plates; and are toxic if consumed or applied to the human body. MIROFOSS does not take responsibility for misidentified plants which may cause sickness, permanent damage, or death. If choosing to forage for plant species in the wild; all risks and responsibilities rest upon the person(s) handing and or eating wild plants.

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American Bur-Reed English Plantain Carolina Spring Beauty Smooth Sweet Cicely
• Edible Roots
• Edible Stems
• Salad Green
• Pot Herb
• Edible Young Leaves
• Edible Seeds
• Pot Herb
• Edible Roots
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Flowers
• Pot Herb
• Salad Green
• Edible Stems
• Edible Roots
• Edible Seeds
• Seasoning
Hairy Galinsoga Bladder Campion White Trout Lily Canada White Violet
• Edible Stems
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Flowers
• Seasoning
• Edible Stems
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Flowers
• Edible Bulb
• Edible Leaves
• Okra Substitute
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Flower Buds
Valerain Woolly Blue Violet (White) Cut-Leaved Toothwort  
• Edible Seeds
• Edible Leaves
• Seasoning
• Tea Ingredient
• Pot Herb
• Edible Leaves
• Salad Green
• Edible Flowers
• Edible Flowers
• Edible Bulb
• Edible Leaves
J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D  
Wild Ginger      
• Edible Root
• Seasoning
Stringy Stonecrop Coltsfoot Early Goldenrod Canada Goldenrod
• Survival Food
• Edible Flowers
• Tea Ingredient
• Seasoning
• Salt Substitute
• Edible Seeds
• Pot Herb
• Seasoning
• Tea Ingredient
• Edible Seeds
• Pot Herb
• Seasoning
• Tea Ingredient
Lesser Celandine Trout Lily Velvetleaf  
• Edible Young Leaves
• Edible Buds
• Salad Green
• Pot Herb
• Edible Flowers
• Edible Bulb
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Seeds
J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D  
Spotted Jewelweed French Marigold Butterfly Milkweed  
• Edible Seeds
• Edible Young Stems
• Seasoning • Edible Flowers
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Roots
• Edible Sap
J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D  
English Daisy (Hybrid) Columbine, Wild    
• Pot Herb
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Flowers
• Tea Ingredient
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Flowers
J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D    
English Daisy (Polar Pink) Purple Spotted Jewelweed    
• Pot Herb
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Flowers
• Tea Ingredient
• Poison Ivy antidote
• Insect bite relief
• Razor burn relief
J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D    
Bull Thistle Blessed Milk Thistle Creeping Charlie Heal All
• Edible Roots
• Edible Stems
• Edible Roots
• Edible Leaves
• Coffee Substitute
• Pot Herb
• Edible Leaves
• Salad Green
• Tea Ingredient
• Pot Herb
• Edible Leaves
• Salad Green
• Edible Flowers
Giant Blue Cohosh Woolly Blue Violet    
• Coffee Substitude
• Pot Herb
• Edible Leaves
• Salad Green
• Edible Flowers
J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D J-F-M-A-M-J-J-A-S-O-N-D    
Chicory Asiatic Dayflower    
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Roots
• Coffee Substitute
• Edible Leaves
• Edible Flowers
• Edible Shoots